Dual Enrollment at Coker University
Strike Early with Coker University’s Dual Enrollment Program!
Coker’s Dual Enrollment Program empowers high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit by enrolling in college courses online, on Coker’s campus, or at their high school. This opportunity gives students an early experience with college coursework, thus helping them build skills and reduce future college costs.
Eligibility & Application
Coker’s dual enrollment program is primarily for juniors and seniors. Still, motivated freshmen and sophomores who demonstrate college readiness may be considered with special approval from their high school and the university.
Interested students must complete a non-degree online application and submit an unofficial high school transcript.
Courses Offered
Coker offers a variety of courses for dual enrollment students and in a variety of learning formats: online, on campus, or at the student’s high school. General education dual enrollment courses may come from the courses listed below but may not be offered by Coker in each instructional format or each semester.
Students wanting to take a course not listed below should contact Coker’s Director of Dual Enrollment, Debra Wallace, at dwallace@vko29.com
ART 180 | Understanding Art |
BIO 102 | General Biology of Whole Organisms |
BIO 103 | Introduction to Environmental Science |
BUS 101 | Business Dynamics & Careers |
BUS 160 | Business Applications |
BUS 210 | Macroeconomics |
BUS 211 | Microeconomics |
COM 101 | Speech Communication Skills |
CRIM 105 | Introduction to Criminal Justice |
CRIM 200 | Introduction to Criminology |
DNC 103 | Dance Appreciation |
EDU 200 | Human Development: Conception until Puberty |
EDU 201 | Human Development: Puberty until Death |
ENG 111 | English Composition & Rhetoric I |
ENG 112 | English Composition & Rhetoric II |
HIST 201 | The United States from Discovery to 1865 |
HIST 202 | The United States since 1865 |
HIST 210 | Western Civilization I |
HIST 211 | Western Civilization II |
IS 200 | Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies |
MAT 203 | Elementary Statistics |
MUS 230 | Introduction to Western Classical Music |
MUS 235 | Introduction to World Music |
MUS 240 | American Music: Traditions and Identities |
PE 215 | Personal & Community Health |
PHY 101 | Physical Science |
PSY 101 | General Psychology |
PSY 205 | Human Development |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology |
SOC 102 | American Social Problems |
SPA 101 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPA 102 | Elementary Spanish II |
THE 100 | History of the Theatre I: The Greeks to the Renaissance |
THE 101 | History of the Theatre II: The Restoration to the Present |